I pray the New Year is off to a blessed start. Mine has begun in a blessed way as this month I completed my fourth year as your pastor at St. William and we just held our ministry leaders’ retreat. In my recent letter, I mentioned some of the blessings we will celebrate as our parish enters its 85th year of existence, and I reach the 10-year anniversary of my ordination to the Priesthood of Jesus Christ. My vocation has been the greatest gift the Lord has bestowed upon me.
One of the invitations our bishop extends after 10 years of priestly ministry is a sabbatical, a period during which a priest takes time away from their regular pastoral duties. I submitted this request two years ago, and now that I have confirmed the schedule, I would like to share the details of my sabbatical, which is scheduled from August 1 – December 8, 2025.
August 1 - September 7 I will participate in an Ignatian 30-day silent retreat at Mount Angel Abbey located in Saint Benedict, Oregon. This will include Mass, meals, daily spiritual direction and four to five daily holy hours reflecting on the life of Christ. Please pray with me that this is an incredible time of encounter with our Lord.
September 7 - November 24 I will board a plane and leave for the next phase of my sabbatical in Rome. I will stay on the grounds of the Pontifical North American College and attend classes daily, spend some time traveling and on retreat with brother priests also on sabbatical. Since 2025 has been declared the Jubilee of Hope by the Holy Father Pope Francis, we will study the scripture, preaching and art in honor of the Jubilee.
November 24 – December 3 At the conclusion of the program, I will meet the pilgrims who have signed up for our pilgrimage to Italy, to celebrate the Jubilee as well as the 85th anniversary of St. William Catholic Church in Round Rock, Texas. I will return to ministry at St. William on December 8 for our celebration of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
My sabbatical is financially supported by the Diocese of Austin, our parish and myself. I am grateful to my family and friends who are helping with my portion of expenses to make this a fruitful experience.
While on sabbatical, I will continue to be your pastor and pray for each of you. At the same time, one of the parochial vicars of the parish will keep the ship steady here at St. William. Fr. Pedro Garcia, a retired priest of our diocese, will be present to provide sacramental help to the parish. Additional details will be provided as the date of my departure nears.
I pray this period will be a grace-filled time of encounter and immersion into the Father’s heart, so that I may continue to persevere, have clarity of vision, and follow the will of God so that He may be glorified through my ministry. I ask you to pray for me.
I invite each of you to consider the coming weeks and months as an opportunity for reflection, spiritual growth and renewal. Ahead of the sabbatical, we will have time together to continue to strengthen in our mission as a parish family and learn more specifically how we can carry out what we as disciples are called to do in our daily lives.
Let us all embrace this year with peace, knowing that God’s grace will guide us, and we will continue to grow together in His light. May God bless you!