For information about having a Mass offered for a deceased member of your family or for a special intention, please contact the parish office at:
In the Eucharistic Celebration, Catholics gather at the table of the Lord. During every Mass we thank and praise the Father, celebrate the memorial of Christ's sacrifice on the cross, and recognize the presence of Christ by the power of his word and his Spirit (see Catechism of the Catholic Church 1358). We believe that in the Holy Eucharist, Christ is truly and fully present. Enlightened by this faith, we celebrate the liturgy with joy, receive Communion with reverence, and practice perpetual Eucharistic adoration.
Saint William Church strives to prepare children well for first reception of the Eucharist. They typically make their First Holy Communion in the second grade. You can find more information about the parish religious education program here.
For 77 years, Saint William has encouraged Eucharistic Adoration. Today the adoration chapel is where parishioners and visitors keep Jesus company and find quiet prayer time during a busy day.
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To learn more about Eucharistic Adoration or to sign up to become a weekly adorer, please email [email protected].