In the Catholic Church, the Commissioning for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and Lectors is a special ceremony that formally appoints laypeople to assist in specific liturgical roles...
Whether you're interested in volunteering with a group or on your own, there are several ways to be a part of Annie's Way on Thanksgiving Day. Learn more >>
Prayer Service on Thursday, August 1, 2024, at 7 pm in the Sacred Heart Chapel
Memorial Mass on Friday, August 2, 2024 at 2 pm at St. William Catholic Church
Sharing the family planning responsibility, as well as finding non-sexual
ways of expressing affection and intimacy when we had good reasons to postpone pregnancy,
strengthened our marriage and made me a better husband and father....
“NFP Week” celebrates God’s design for married love and the gift of life. Also, raises awareness about Natural Family Planning (NFP) methods as a valuable tool for married couples to enhance mutual respect and communication....
Family, despite its daily challenges, is one of God’s greatest gifts to us. It is in the family where we learn to love and be loved rightly, to forgive, to welcome others, to sacrifice and care for others, and most importantly to know, love and trust God...
Jesus tells us that he wants his joy to be in us and for our joy to be complete. What does this mean for us in our daily lives? Join us on Aug. 13 at 7:30 pm...
We would like to extend our gratitude to Sabrina Mari Uriegas for her time and service as Director of Music Ministries. We thank her for sharing her gifts and talents with the Saint William community. Please pray for her as she begins...
The Feast Day of our Patron Saint, Saint William of Vercelli, will be celebrated at St. William on the weekend of June 30, 2024. The readings can be found here >>