The pastoral council is a representative body of the faithful who serve the pastor in an advisory capacity in non-financial matters pertaining to the health and wellbeing of the parish. The pastoral council’s task is to give counsel and seek consultation. Members are called to consider pastoral issues for the good and for the future. Their role is to understand, to reflect carefully and to seek consensus.
Pastoral council members are chosen annually through a discernment process in May or June. The whole parish is invited to participate. Members serve staggered three-year terms and attend monthly meetings. These are held on the first Saturday of the month at 9:15 AM in the parish Education Center.
Catholics in good standing, who are registered in Saint William parish are eligible to join. To learn more about the Pastoral Council, we recommend you contact one of the current members. We also extend a special invitation to all parish members, including those not discerning membership, to attend the discernment to provide prayerful support.
If you know of an area in the parish that needs attention, please contact a Pastoral Council member. We will bring up your questions and concerns at our monthly meeting with the pastor, as well as look for ways to address the issues without straining Saint William’s limited resources.